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Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013

Abstract Art - The Perfect Statement

Purchasing Modern Abstract Wall Art online may, initially, seem like an easy task.  Indeed, the actual ordering process is very easy.  What is not so simple, is making a choice!  There is a huge selection of Modern Abstract Wall Art available, and there are many considerations to be made before making your final choice.  For example, you should consider the color scheme and style of the room you wish to hang the Oil Painting, or print, in. It is vital to select a Canvas that compliments your existing décor, as well as your own personal taste.  You may find that you enjoy a certain Canvas, yet it may not be appropriate, either because of color or style, for the room you wish to hang it in.
Modern Abstract Wall Art is ideal for modern homes, and is highly diverse.  It would be difficult not to find a Canvas, which is not capable of beautifying the room, and reflect something of your own character and lifestyle.  Abstract Art is highly personal, due to the fact it is representational of the emotional and spiritual responses, we have to the world around us.  Many collectors find that a certain style of Abstract Art, or Artist, greatly appeals to them.  This is because they relate to the world in a similar way to that particular Artist.  The style they enjoy being capable of reflecting both their own aesthetic preferences, as well as their emotional responses.  Because, in a modern world, we are free to express our diversity, Modern Abstract Wall Art has become highly popular. Through Abstract Art, individuals can depict more than the physical world around them.  They are able to express how they feel about that world, and where better than to do this, than in you own home?
Expressing and recording what we see, in some shape or form, is instinctive to us.  Even during prehistoric times, people would decorate their 'homes' with Art.  Cave walls would be used to visually record the natural world around them, and their experiences within that world.  The 'Art' was simple, conceptually.  However, the instinct to surround ourselves with it was not so different then, in comparison to now.  Throughout history, Art has always played a huge role in our lives, recording every milestone since civilization began.  Today, many people revel in ability to purchase a wide collection of diverse Modern Art.  That is the greatest development within Modern Art, the absolute freedom to express ourselves as individuals, through a varied choice of medium. Among all the great developments, there is little, which achieves this more profoundly, than Modern Abstract Wall Art.
Traditional Art is no less valuable to society, simply because we have diversified upon it.  To enjoy Modern Abstract Wall Art, does not mean we dismiss the value of traditional Artworks. The beauty, sensitivity, and craftsmanship of the great masters will always have its appeal and respect among collectors.  Abstract Art reflects our introduction to a different level of consciousness.  To dismiss what we were before, is to confuse what we are now.  We cannot gauge where we stand today, if we dismiss the road we already traveled. To do this, is to dismiss our experiences, and in doing that, we actually remove one of the most important concepts within Contemporary Abstract Art. That is, a spiritual and emotional awareness of who we are, where we stand, and the way we respond to the physical world around us.  After all, everyone has their role to play in history.
Abstract Art is, because of this, is a highly evolved Art form.  It focuses on our emotions, the unconscious thoughts and feeling we experience as human beings, living in a modern world.  By understanding Abstract Art, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.  When choosing Modern Abstract Wall Art, it is important to rely on your instincts.  If it appeals to you aesthetically, if it moves something emotionally within you, and creates a response, it should be considered.  After this, there are the practical considerations, with regards to color and size.  Modern society is a diverse one, and Abstract Art reflects that.  In your own home, you have the freedom to choose what appeals to you, and the individual you are.  There is no better way to accomplish that, than through the medium of Modern Abstract Wall Art.
For a fabulous range of contemporary wall art visit Arts My Passion. Art Styles include Abstract Art, Modern art, Asian and African plus many more.

Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

Collecting Fine Art - An Introduction to Collectible Interiors

Art & Wealth
"They buy art to appreciate it, to learn from it and to profit from it."
From Bill Cosby's African-American Art Collection to Steve Wynn's passion for tradi­tional masterpieces to Charles Saatchi's portfolio of iconic works to Bill Gate's collection, art has always been a status symbol for the wealthy.
But it goes deeper than that...As quoted from the 2007 Forbes article, Top Billionaire Art Collectors, written by Anthony Haden-Guest:
"The worlds of art and money have always been intertwined; each basking in the other's reflected luster. Today's billionaires are no different from the grand dukes and popes of the Renaissance or the merchants of 17th cen­tury Amsterdam. They buy art to appreciate it, to learn from it and to profit from it.
By profit, of course, we can mean both finan­cially--these are, after all, people who know a thing or two about money--as well as cultur­ally and socially."
Whether you simply want to make your home a more unique, beautiful place or want to amass a great collection which can benefit society for generations, this is an introduction to locating and collecting distinctive, quality work.
Collectible Interiors Defined
"Interior spaces of the highest quality finishes and workmanship."
There is something truly breathtaking about walking into someone's home and ex­periencing a room with hand-made furniture, an antique Chinese lamp, and a painting that would take hours to ab­sorb every detail. This is what we mean by "Collectible Interiors" - items in an interior environ­ment that are of the highest quality fin­ishes and workmanship.
Fine Art vs. Collectible Interiors
Fine art is often defined as a work that has been created for the sole purpose of decoration with little to no utility value. Collectible Interiors, on the other hand, include art for both functional and aes­thetic purposes. At Artizin we offer both traditional fine art as well as one-of-a-kind functional items. Functional items - such as hand-carved chairs, dinnerware, restored antique appliances - things that can be used as well as admired. When we mention "Art" in this guide, we are referring to both fine art and functional art.
What is Artizin?
Artizin is an interior design and art con­sultation firm offering collectible works of art, furniture, finishes, fabrics and rugs.
Artizin's Vision
To provide our clients exquisite environ­ments inspired by the talent, vision and genius of our artists and designers.
Starting a Collection
Your Own Brand of Beauty
"The desire (or compulsion) to surround ourselves with things that comfort, please, or excite our sensibilities is a com­mon human trait."
-Paige West, The Art of Buying Art
Why Collect?
Why do people collect art? There are many reasons - most of them personal. The following are some of the top rea­sons collectors collect:
Interior Design or Remodeling. Perhaps you would like to redecorate your home or design a second home. Now is a per­fect time to acquire collectible art and furnishings.
Self Expression. When you move into a new home, it is barren and expression­less. It is not until you surround yourself with your own brand of beauty that you truly feel the space is your own.
Legacy and Tradition. Wealthy individ­uals throughout history have collected art to better society (i.e. donations to mu­seums, etc.). We also work with many collectors who purchase art as heirlooms to pass on to their children.
Investment. Although we do not recom­mend collecting art for the sole purpose of investing, it is a motivation for some wealthy collectors. Affluent individuals tend to invest their money in tangible assets and art is one of these investment vehicles.
To download the complete guide to collecting art, please visit
